Reset Password

Your user name is your email address. Please type in your email address below that is associated with your American Academy of Nursing account and click "Reset Password." You must provide the email address associated with your member profile. Once submitted, an email will be sent to the email address on file and will include a link back to the site to reset your password.

Since the Academy has launched a new website and member profile, you must reset your password if this is your first time logging into the new site for security purposes. If you need help please contact the Academy staff at or 202-777-1170. 

Username or Email:  

Upon submitting a valid username or email address, an email will be sent to the address associated with your profile. The email will contain a link back to our website which will allow you to reset your password.

You may need to check your email program's SPAM filter as this "Reset Password" email may be treated as SPAM.

Please Note: Password reset email links expire after 24 hours.